MARCH 18, 2020
Hello CCLH family,
On behalf of Pastor Lance and our leadership team, we want you to know that we love you, are praying for you, and are continuing to seek the Lord in how to respond to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. As you know President Trump, the CDC, and the Coronavirus Task Force have made announcements where they strongly urged that we avoid gathering in groups of more than ten people for the next fifteen days.
After much prayer, we have decided to move our main services, TEMPORARILY to an ONLINE format. These services will consist of a time of prayer, worship, the teaching of God’s Word, and informative announcements about what we will be doing as a church in this unique season. Please look at the list below to see how this affects each ministry, and how to stay connected through our various online platforms.
MARCH 17, 2020
Hello CCLH family,
On behalf of myself and our leadership team, we want you to know that we love you, are praying for you, and are continuing to seek the Lord in how to respond to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. As you know President Trump, the CDC, and the Coronavirus Task Force made announcements yesterday where they strongly urged that we avoid gathering in groups of more than ten people for the next fifteen days.
After much prayer, we have decided to move our main services, TEMPORARILY to an ONLINE format. These services will consist of a time of prayer, worship, the teaching of God’s Word, and informative announcements about what we will be doing as a church in this unique season.
It is our earnest desire that you will gather together in small groups (ten people or less) to join us through these livestream experiences. Although we will meet in different settings, we believe we will encounter Jesus collectively and continue to be united through what we have always appreciated as Spirit-filled settings.
You can join us at our regularly scheduled services, Sunday 9am and 11am, and on Wednesday at 7pm.
We will be broadcast on all our various platforms. To watch the services, go to - our CCLH App (check out this video to see how to use the app - or watch on Facebook Live.
Our children’s ministry will continue to provide video classes, with songs and lessons. To watch these videos, go to
Youth Ministry will continue to have teachings and devotionals throughout the week.
Spanish Ministry will also continue to post weekly videos.
For updates on other ministries, view here:
To give during this tenuous time, you can mail checks to our Church Office or give online securely through our Church App, our text-to-give option, or here:
Finally, we ask that you join us in prayer. Pray for the sick and the vulnerable. Pray for our leaders and healthcare workers that are working to contain the virus and care for those who are ill. Pray for our church, that God would keep us healthy, and that He would further unite us and advance His work in this season.
If you have any prayer requests or urgent needs, please fill out this form:
You can also call us anytime at the Church Office (714) 446-6222.
As we move forward, we will continue to give our church body regular updates here:
Know that we love you and are here for you,
Pastor Lance
MARCH 13, 2020
Hello Calvary La Habra family,
We wanted to follow up on the Coronavirus and its impact upon our community and our church. Although the CDC and the Orange County Health Department are saying that the risk of spread is relatively low in our area, we know that many are very concerned, and are being cautious and prudent with their daily activities.
Below is some information on how we are responding as a church to this situation:
· As stated in our previous email, we have increased cleaning protocols throughout our entire campus.
· We are requiring all our staff and volunteers to exercise good hygiene and regular hand washing.
In an effort to better ensure the health and safety of all the members of our church, we would like you to consider these recommendations for any of our group assembly settings during this season.
· If you are elderly, or have any underlying health conditions, we ask that you stay home and watch our services online. Please call the office Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm if you need any technical assistance.
· We are asking everyone that comes on our property to wash their hands with warm water and soap, and apply hand sanitizer.
· While on the property, we are asking people to refrain from shaking hands or hugging people. Fist or elbow pumps and air high fives are a welcomed way to greet.
· We are asking people who show any signs of being sick to stay home and watch our services online, that includes children. We are asking anyone who gets sick to please stay home until the symptoms have been gone for at least 24 hours. Also, please notify us, so we can pray for you.
Short-term changes for all church services:
· There will be no shuttle service at Los Lomas offsite parking.
· We will be suspending all food, beverage, and Café services.
· Hands of Hope food distribution will not be handing out food on Sundays. Instead, food will be provided at the Church Office on Mondays, from 9am-5pm.
· We will not be passing an offering bag during services. For those who desire to give, we have agape boxes in the foyer and online giving options at the kiosk, on our church app, and on our website.
· Our Children’s Ministry will not be holding individual classes. Instead, there will be an area in our Café, where parents can sit with their children and watch the service broadcast live on a screen.
· Jr High and High School will meet second service in the Palm Room.
· Spanish and Japanese services will meet at their regular times and locations.
Changes for various ministries:
· All of our Committed Homeschool classes will be suspended at least until April 14th. The homeschool counsel will be informing parents early next week about online class options.
· Women’s Ministry will not meet on the property for the rest of this session, but will provide live teachings on the series, “Women Who Met Jesus”.
· Wednesday night AWANA program will not be meeting until further notice.
· Men’s Steak and Study for Tuesday, March 31st has been postponed.
· GriefShare will meet this Monday night, to discuss how they will be moving forward in this season.
· Wise Fellowship will meet this Thursday to discuss how they will be moving forward in this season.
· Young Adults will meet this Monday night, to discuss how they will be moving forward in this season.
· One Step to Freedom will meet this Monday night, to discuss how they will be moving forward in this season.
· Women’s Prayer will meet next Friday to discuss how they will be moving forward in this season.
Although the Coronavirus is creating a wave of disruption to all of our lives, we want to reassure you that our leadership is committed to you and your family. We will continue to press forward with the vision that God is giving us, to minister the Gospel, and bring hope and help in these ever changing times.
With this in mind, we realize that the day may come in the near future when we will not be able to host our regular services on our property. If this happens, we have a plan in place that will allow us to provide quality live services online for Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights. Additionally, this plan includes other areas of ministry that would allow us to continue meeting the needs of our body and our community during this season.
Lastly, in order to keep our body informed and connected, we will give regular updates and words of encouragement throughout the week.
Know that we love you, appreciate you, and are praying daily for you.
Pastor Lance
MARCH 11, 2020
I wanted to address the growing concerns regarding the Coronavirus. I want you to know that the spiritual welfare, as well as the physical welfare, of our church is always the utmost of our concern. Our leadership has been meeting, praying, and discussing ways to maintain the most safe and sanitized facility for our various gatherings throughout the week. If you attend Calvary La Habra, you know that we have always kept a high standard in cleanliness and hygiene throughout our entire facility. With these Coronavirus concerns, we have increased our cleaning protocols and have added additional hand sanitizer stations throughout our campus.
It's always been our policy to encourage people who show any signs of being sick to stay home and watch our services online. In regards to children’s ministry, it's always been our policy to not receive sick children. Here are some ways that you can assist us during this season:
#1 Before coming to church, wash your hands with warm water and soap, and apply hand sanitizer.
#2 Upon entering any church rooms, apply hand sanitizer at one of our hand sanitizer stations.
#3 Refrain from shaking hands or hugging people around the church property.
#4 If you or anyone in your family becomes ill, please stay home until the symptoms have been gone for at least 24 hours. Also, please notify us, so we can pray for you.
#5 MOST IMPORTANTLY: Join us in prayer. As you know, many people are dealing with fear, anxiety and are even beginning to panic with the growing concerns of this virus. As Christians, we are encouraged to pray during times of uncertainty. As Paul says in Philippians 4:6-7, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus”. Please join us in asking God to heal those who have been infected by this virus. Pray for our government, and all those who are leading the way in combating this virus. Pray that God would protect our communities and our church body from this virus. Lastly, we ask that you pray for God to give me and our leadership wisdom on how to navigate ministry as we deal with this virus.
Know that we love you and are here for you,
Pastor Lance